Recent Statistics
/in Meg's/by adminLet’s put a stop to domestic violence and abuse…check out the recent statistics.
State officials partner with shelter in Greenwood to help homeless find employment
/in Meg's/by adminSC Gets Specialized Agents
/in Meg's/by adminThe South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services is tackling the state’s domestic violence issue with new special agents.
No More Lies & Bruises Event A Success
/in Meg's/by adminThe event “No More Lies and Bruises” took place on March 14, 2014. At the event, musician Josh Owens debuted a beautiful song about the horrible consequences of domestic violence. Watch a video of the event below, and get a download of the live debut of “Lies and Bruises” HERE.
Meg’s House Partners with Allstate
/in Meg's/by admin
Photo left to right: Christina Hjalmer, Allstate Personal Financial Rep. Denise Taylor, and Candice Timmerman.
The South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault received a grant to cover expenses related to Allstate’s Financial Management Curriculum. They chose 5 member programs around the state, with MEG’s House being one of them. Allstate puts it best when they say, “Moving Ahead Through Financial Management Curriculum helps survivors of domestic violence move from safety to long-term security. The curriculum is broken up into 5 topics including: understanding financial abuse, learning financial fundamentals, mastering credit basics, building financial foundations, and creating budgeting strategies.
Dr. Alice Hodges stated that, “I am extremely pleased with this endeavor to help victims of domestic violence and Christina and Candice have done an excellent job coordinating and presenting the curriculum to some of our clients.”
Christina Hjalmer added, “This information has been extremely helpful to our clients in teaching them where to start in setting financial goals for their future.”
For more information about programs and services at Meg’s House call 864-227-1890 or stop by the satellite office located at 929 Phoenix Street in the United Center Building.
Shelter for the Strong-Hearted
/in Meg's/by adminAs the newest staff member at MEG’s House, I was asked to write an article about my experiences since coming on board in September of last year. When I think back over the many faces of the women and children who have come and gone from MEG’s since my coming aboard, the thing that stands out the most in my mind is the tremendous strength and courage of those women.
I have worked in social services all my life, and have had many experiences with social problems and the hardships people face. Never before though, have I been so inspired by the inner resiliency of the clients I am working with.
The women I am working with have stories of hardship that often predate an abusive relationship with a recent partner. Many have broken childhood histories, financial struggles, obstacles that they have faced educationally, and a lifetime of difficult choices. Part of my role as their caseworker and counselor is to motivate and encourage them to make positive changes toward a brighter future. However, it is often I who end up being encouraged.
I have witnessed women with bruised bodies taking time to uplift a newcomer to the shelter and make them feel welcome. I have seen women with little or no family support become each other’s family. I have watched as women come into the shelter with little to smile about gradually grow wide smiles with contagious laughter. Daily I am privileged to walk alongside some of these brave women on a piece of their road to new tomorrows, and it has been the highest honor.
If you too are interested in working with women who are recovering from an abusive relationship contact Stacie about volunteer opportunities and the many ways you can help at (864) 229-8141.